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DeliverEnd App makes marketplace purchases safe and worry-free

DeliverEnd is an app that will safeguard your against robberies, assaults, and fraud. It elimates the risk and worry in the online marketplace by keeping your personal details hidden from the other party. Created for the online marketplaces like Facebook and Craigslist. Nick Turner, the creator of DeliverEnd joined us today. Here’s more from him:

We just launched our National Expansion. We are now live and acquiring drivers in Boston, Charlotte and Raleigh. More than seventeen cities planned for the remainder of 2021.

We are having a tremendous impact with helping local businesses keep in contact with their customers during this pandemic. Our on-demand local delivery is helping small and medium business with local logistics at a fraction of the cost of them ramping up an in-house delivery option

DeliverEnd was recently nominated for 2 TechPoint MIRA Awards (Community Impact and Service Partner of the Year).

DeliverEnd is an app that will safeguard your against robberies, assaults, and fraud. We eliminate the risk and worry in the online marketplace by keeping your personal details hidden from the other party. It was created for the online marketplaces like Facebook and Craigslist.

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