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How to get your health, nutrition back on track

Eating healthy hasn’t always been top of mind for some of us during the pandemic. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, “The Nutrition Myth Buster” has some passionate advice to help you get your nutrition and healthy eating back on track after being cooped up at home for the past few months. He is a nationally known board-certified nutritionist and expert on diet and weight loss.

Food we should get rid of and eliminate from our diet:

  • Foods that are processed, high in sugar/carbs/salt

Why smart fats are a great healthy addition to your diet:

  • Healthy sources like grass-fed butter, eggs or avocado, these are great fats.
  • Fat is the greatest source of energy. You can store many calories of fat. You can only store so many calories of carbohydrates.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory
  • Fats make vegetables and fruits more absorbable.

 Eat real food – The Jonny Bowden Four Food Groups:

  • Food you could hunt, fish, gather or pluck
  • Avoid overly processed foods – get back to the basics

Find more from Bowden on his website, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.