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How to keep your pets safe during the hot summer months

Summertime is a great time for relaxation and fun, but we should all be aware of the potential dangers for our furry friends! Tom Dock, BSc, CVJ of Noah’s Animal Hospital joined us today with tips to keep our pets cool and safe during the summer months.

By far, the most common problem our pets face in warm temperatures is heat stroke. Also known as heat stress or hyperpyrexia, this is a real emergency for our dogs.

Body temperatures can skyrocket to more than 106 degrees Fahrenheit quickly.  At 110 degrees, brain damage starts to occur.

Dogs can’t dissipate heat by sweating like us; they must pant to cool themselves. Often, they are simply unable to cool themselves efficiently

Any pet can overheat on a warm day, but short faced breeds are at a higher risk. 

1. Never leave your pet unattended in a car during warm weather.  Not only can the car’s internal temperature climb into dangerous territory in just minutes, it is now also a crime in many states and cities.

2. When running errands, leave your dog at home.  Just a few minutes in a hot car can spell disaster for your pet.

3. Shaving your long-haired dog might sound good, but it could expose him to more problems, including sunburn.  Most veterinarians and groomers agree that a clean, well maintained coat helps insulate the pet and actually keep him cooler.

4. Warm weather not only means a return of fleas and ticks, but also several species of biting flies.  These pests can cause an irritating and serious condition known as “fly strike”.

5. To keep your pet’s safe, always know the weather forecast.  Knowing the high temperature for the day can help you decide whether your dog needs to stay indoors while you are gone.

6. If you find your pet collapsed in the yard, disoriented, or panting excessively, move him immediately to a cooler environment.  Use cool water towels across the neck and belly along with fans to bring his temperature down.  Don’t use ice.

7. Make immediate plans to transport your pet to the veterinarian for assessment and life-saving treatments.

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