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How to make money on social media

Social media has grown to be a multi-billion dollar industry, and if you want a piece of the pot, Anne Aloha Ward, futurist growth scientist and social media expert, joined us today to share how you can make money using your online social platforms.

Can your social media presence really help you make money?

Yes! The ways you can do it will vary with whether or not it’s direct or indirect sales. If it’s a product or service you’re looking to promote, social media is a great way to passively market yourself to your network.

What are some direct ways to make money from your social media

Drive traffic to your website and do the research to connect with your customers, follow them, elevate their content, and when appropriate reach out.

What are some indirect ways to generate income?

Depending on the size of your following and your goals, you can work with brands selling products you want to promote and get affiliate links so you earn income on the mentions. People with followers of one million or more can command fees as high as $10,000 per post. “A “micro” influencer, with around 10,000 followers can make $250 per post, with figures going up to about $250,000 for someone with more than a million.”

Are there any tools that can help me promote myself on social media?

There are tools for everything from putting makeup on your face to automate the scheduling posts. There are many industry specific tools that help put you in touch with brands that might want to sponsor you, like Brand Backer for the fashion industry.

More about Anne:

Anne Ahola Ward is the co-founder and CEO of CircleClick Media, founded in 2009. Ward has written the latest SEO book for O’Reilly, entitled “The SEO Battle eld: Winning Strategies for Search Marketing Programs.” Before becoming a Growth Scientist, she was a web developer for over 10 years, and through her love of analytics, Anne transitioned into the eld of SEO as the eld was forming. She was named as one of Entrepreneur’s “27 Top Masters of Marketing and PR” in 2014. In 2015 Anne was invited to become an Influencer for the elite IBM Futurist program and was later named one of the “Top 50 Inspirational Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2017” by Entrepreneur magazine.

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