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How to wear simple solids for fall

How to wear simple solids for fall

How to wear simple solids for fall

“Up” your wardrobe game this fall with some tips on how to wear simple solids.

Moncia Stuckwish and Jill Christopher, Co-Owners of Dragonfly Boutique, show us some wardrobe ideas for the change of season.

Affordable prices, in sizes Small-3XL. All pieces seen today are less than $40!

  1. Jessica has paired a beautiful solid olive top with her striped crop pants. This top features bell sleeves with a mesh burnout detail. This outfit easily transitions into the fall season and is great for both work and a dinner date.
  2. Brandi is wearing a hot trend this year: jumpsuits. We love the details on this jumpsuit including the square neck, tie waist, and white stitching.
  3. Jill is wearing an outfit from Dragonfly Boutique’s new Professional line. This line features tops, pants, blazers, dresses, skirts, and jumpsuits that are appropriate for the office or any type of dressy event. Her mustard top is a body suit with flutter sleeves. This top is available in multiple colors.
  1. Monica is wearing a solid silver top and everyone’s favorite jean, Kancan jeans! This top features a split sleeve and flowy fit. The shimmery color is perfect for a fun night out.
  2. Dragonfly Boutique is located in a beautifully renovated building in downtown Seymour, IN. In addition to carrying clothing in small through 3XL, the boutique also carries jewelry, Pura Vida bracelets, mix-o-logie perfume rollerballs, Natural Life products, handbags, Blowfish shoes, and other accessories, such as the Original Make-Up Eraser which removes all make-up (including mascara) with water only!
  3. Shop Dragonfly Boutique in person, online, or through the Facebook group (Dragonfly Boutique-Seymour). New arrivals are posted in the Facebook group several times a week. We can ship items to anywhere in the USA. Be sure to join the Facebook group! Also, shop the website at Use code INDY to receive 15% off of your order through October 15, 2019!

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