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How to wear the color trends for Spring

How to wear the color trends for Spring

How to wear the color trends for Spring

Don’t be afraid of wearing these colors!
Spring is finally here and our wardrobes are begging for fresh, fabulous pieces! Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s Party!”. You can’t party without a fresh, new look!

Emily Robbins and Heather Miller, Denim & Honey, say they have the PERFECT pieces to help you say, “Hello, gorgeous spring days!” and they will keep you looking and feeling your best for months to come!

How to wear the color trends for Spring

Emily and Heather say: 

1) Are you looking for a way to liven up your work wardrobe or to spice up your daytime look? These amazing pink trousers will take you from boring to show-stopping! They have a flattering look for everyone and the high waist and tie keep you looking classy! We know it can be scary to go with such a bold color, but when you pair this cute black top with the great pink color you keep the look safe, yet fun. You can never go wrong with a black staple shirt when wearing a bold bottom!
     Snag these fabulous pants here: 
     Make sure you grab the cute tank here: 

2) Do you like the idea of wearing the wild colors and prints on the bottom and having a nice, neutral piece on top? If so, this amazing skirt and tank combo will be your staple look in the warm months ahead! The incredible ruffles are so fun and flattering! The great colors are perfect for all skin tones and we paired it with a basic white tank that has been knotted up for a more casual look. This look is perfect for showers, graduation, and Easter! Make sure you hurry and snag both of these amazing looks before they’re gone! Simply follow the links!

3) If you’re feeling a little bolder, but aren’t ready for bold colors on top and bottom, then we have some fabulous tops for you!! If a fun, casual look is what you desire, we have the perfect tie-waist top for all body types! This is the perfect toss-it-on-and-go look for a meal or drinks out with friends, a day running errands, or even attending sporting events for the kids! We have yellow and pink available! It’s so fabulous you will want both! We have the yellow paired with denim today, but if you can’t quite pull of yellow, the pink is just as fabulous and just as bold!
     Make the yellow top yours today- 
     Snag the pink before they’re gone- 

How to wear the color trends for Spring

4) Looking for a fabulous, bright color to wear to work, church, or a graduation party? This gorgeous peplum top is what you have been waiting for! If the top didn’t pop enough on its own, we paired it with a white denim to really make a statement. You will definitely be turning some heads in this great piece! 
     Don’t miss out on this top!- 
     (Did we mention it’s also available in yellow?!)- 

5) Okay! For those of you who like a great print and fabulous colors allover, we have a great, classic geometric print dress! The midi length is great for all heights and body types and the colors on the dress are perfect for any and all skin tones and hair colors! The fabulous button detail on the skirt is an added bonus! Toss on some tennis shoes and run to the grocery store, or add some fabulous accessories and dress it up for your next event. Either way you will be looking and feeling great!
     Grab this fab look now!-

6) Are you ready to go all out and wear a bold color AND a bold print? We have the look you have been waiting for! Our fabulous marigold wide leg pants are a perfect statement piece for your closet! Pair them with our gorgeous cropped polka dot/floral top and you will look like a million bucks! Yes, the top is cropped, but it meets the high waisted pants perfectly! The black and white in the top give this look the right amount of neutral while still making a statement with the bold colors and pattern. This will be your go-to look for months to come! Make sure you grab these pieces now!
     Must-have yellow pants: 
     Fabulous printed crop top: 
