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Simple ways to make teaching your kids at home easier

This morning Carly Dorogi, Capital M Moms, shared tips and resources for all of the parents teaching their kids through the Covid-19 crisis. Hopefully these will help make the experience a little for both you parents and your kids.

Idea #1: Make your own books (ages 3-7).

You can use pre-bound blank books from Creativity for Kids, or just making a booklet by stapling blank paper, create easy to read books with your child. (Creativity for Kids Make your Own Storybook or Bitty Books kits may also be available at Michael’s, WalMart and Target). For beginning readers, make the text predictable (repeating the same words on each page but changing one word) and have your child help brainstorm ideas, add stickers or pictures, and read it to you.

Ideas include:

I like ______

I love ______

Here is ______

This is _____

Idea #2: Use a simple deck of cards for basic math skills (for ages 4-10)

Take the good old game of “War” and modify it based on your child’s math level/needs.

• Number sense version (more/less): Winner is the person with the higher number (young children can count the icons on the card to see visually which has more).

• Addition version: each person takes 2 cards. Add them together and the person with the highest sum wins.

• Subtraction version: Determine who has more. The person who has higher number must identify how much “more” they had. Example “I have 10, you have 7. I have three more than you.

• Multiplication version: Take 2 cards, multiply them together and the person with the higher product wins.

Idea #3: Release yourself from math stress. Outsource if you need to save your relationship with your child!

Mathnasium @ home tutoring – help boost the math skills with online tutoring using the Mathnasium Method – live web conferencing platform where – instead of students working with instructors in-center – they are able to work with center instructions via a live web conferencing platform. Students get the same best-in-class math instruction that parents know and love, just across a computer screen!

Idea #4: Bring your child’s favorite extracurriculars into your home!

For swim lessons, check out Goldfish at Home. Each Goldfish At Home video incorporates our Celebration Themes and builds on the swim skills they teach in their schools to help engage muscle memory, using their Science of SwimPlay® philosophy to help your kids learn how they learn best – by having fun! Here are some of the things they cover:

  • Learning important water safety skills
  • Developing confidence with swimming techniques
  • Maintaining momentum on the progress they’ve made in class
  • Staying active while learning something new

For more from Carly, visit