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Health tips in honor of Men’s Health Month

In recognition of Men’s Health Month, Dr. Terry Layman from Marathon Health is eager to share valuable insights and tips regarding men’s health. As an Indy doctor, he aims to address the importance of medical appointments and check-ups while shedding light on the issue of men’s avoidance of doctors. Dr. Layman will provide recommendations on preventive measures to reduce the risk of common health conditions in men. His message emphasizes the significance of seeking help and support for health issues, encouraging men to prioritize their well-being.

Marathon Health plays a crucial role in simplifying healthcare for employers by integrating independent primary care with value-driven population health management. Through their physical and virtual health centers operating nationwide, they assist employers of all sizes in promoting healthier members and achieving substantial cost savings. With a remarkable track record, including being a three-time winner of the “Best in KLAS” award by KLAS research and a five-time recipient of the Modern Healthcare Best Places to Work in Healthcare award, Marathon Health stands as a leader in the industry. For more information, please visit their website at, and stay proactive in prioritizing men’s health this Men’s Health Month.