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Helping Type A personalities decrease stress with yoga

They say laughter is the best medicine, and that was certainly the case in our Indy Style studios this morning!

GuruNanda, the founder of “Wall Street Yoga,” says today, anyone who is trying to get it all done in a harried and high-pressure environment is subject to stress, and the fallout is no laughing matter. The book, “GuruNanda’s Happy Breath Yoga: Wall Street Yoga,” focuses on helping Type A personalities with a unique combination of yoga breathing, yoga and meditation developed to reduce stress, increase overall health and help you find joy in your life. It’s based on breath. GuruNanda says most yoga is about twisting your body in to a pretzel – people forget to breathe and that is the most important part of yoga.

You don’t have to work on Wall Street to be a Type A personality – from a harried stay-at-home parent juggling kids’ needs and activities to stressed-out students to overworked corporate types – all may have Type A traits.”

However, laughter itself is the basis of the new book GuruNanda’s Happy Breath Yoga: Wall Street Yoga. The book helps type A personalities go from “distress to de-stress” in just 14 minutes a day with a easy routine based on yoga, yogic breathing and meditation.

The author, Puneet Nanda (akaGuruNanda) showed Anessea a couple of quick breathing exercises this morning. Not only is laughing allowed…it was mandatory! Here are a few things this hard-charging, stressed out entrepreneur turned accredited yoga teacher says are essential to our everyday well-being!

• A few minutes of practiced mediation is equivalent to a few hours sleep

• 14 minutes well spent can make a big difference in your day

• Take a lesson from tortoises: breathe slowly and live longer

• “Yogi coffee” — the afternoon pick-up you don’t have to stand in line or pay for

GuruNanda talks about:

• What is laughter yoga? From “Distress to De-Stress in Just 14 Minutes a Day!”

• He explains different routines for:



-weight loss

-back pain

-heart health

-road rage

To learn more about GuruNanda and his practices, visit or