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How you can help prevent child abuse

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and now more than ever, we must work together to ensure the safety of our community’s children. We know that home isn’t a safe place for all children. Cindy Booth, CEO, Child Advocates joined us today to share what Child Advocates is doing to ensure the safety of children right now.

Children in the child welfare system have already experienced trauma, now they’re facing even greater challenges.

Unemployment will create a surge in children entering the system due to stress and family financial instability.

Community members should be more vigilant than ever. Here are three things you can do to help now:

  • Report Child Abuse and Neglect (Be a watchful eye in your neighborhood and call 1-800-800-5556 if you suspect abuse)
  • Offer Support to a Parent Who is Struggling (check in on parents, offer to FaceTime with their children)
  • Become a CASA Volunteer (we are now offering free online information sessions. Visit our website to sign up.)

How you can help prevent child abuse and neglect:

  • Report Child Abuse and Neglect: Be aware of children in your neighborhood and if you suspect child abuse or neglect, call 1-800-800-5556.
  • Offer Support to a Parent Who is Struggling: Lend an ear, pick up groceries or offer to play virtual games with their kids. Your presence can reduce stress and loneliness.
  • Become a CASA Volunteer: Child Advocates trains CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) volunteers to be the voice for abused and neglected children. Virtual information session dates can be found at