Local mom’s plea to NFL on blog gets national attention
Angie Six, the local mom behind justlikethenumber.com, posted a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell after learning of Deflate Gate. The response to her post was so overwhelming, it crashed her site. Now, more than a week later, Angie responds to the hot-button issue.
We need to hear lots of different voices…they need to know that there is another huge demographic that are football fans, parents, moms, women, write your own letters so they can hear your own voice. I just love that we are talking about these issues with our kids.”
Just Like The Number was created in 2006 as a way to keep in touch with the friends and family I’d left behind in Tennessee following a move to Indianapolis. What started out as a rambling journal with pictures here and there slowly morphed into a blog with a purpose. Just Like The Number is a lifestyle blog encompassing everything I love – motherhood, marriage, family, food, photography and my Hoosier home – reflected upon and written about honestly.
To read Angies letter or get in touch with her, check out her blog at justlikethenumber.com