Patty’s Picks: ‘The Color Purple’
Welcome to Patty’s Picks, where movie critic Patty Spitler is catching up on the latest releases for the holidays.
First up is the musical extravaganza, “The Color Purple,” a bold adaptation documenting the struggles of African American women in the early 1900s in the South. P
atty delves into the rich history of the story, from Alice Walker’s 1982 novel to Steven Spielberg’s 1985 film, where Oprah Winfrey shone as one of the stars.
Returning as a producer for the 2023 musical, Winfrey, Spielberg, and Quincy Jones add their touch to this compelling narrative.
Patty is impressed, praising the film for its talent, energy, and ensemble charisma, giving it a stellar 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.
Next on the list is “The Boys in the Boat,” a sports drama directed by George Clooney, chronicling the inspiring journey of the 1936 Olympic rowing team from the University of Washington.
Patty commends the film for its invigorating and hopeful portrayal, awarding it a solid 4 out of 5 oars/stars.
So, if you’re looking for holiday movie recommendations, Patty’s Picks have you covered!