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Winter Outdoor Adventure Tips & Women Outdoors Contest

Who’s ready for a camping trip?! Four women will soon win a free, four-day adventure with DNK Presents in May at Yellowstone State Forest in Brown County to be the center of a documentary film. Kate and Danielle Nolan, of DNK Presents,tell us that the chosen women will be disconnecting from technology, hiking in the backcountry, camping, mountain biking and more! The documentary will provide an eye-opening and up-close experience of women challenging themselves, taking risks, stepping outside of their comfort zones – and also sharing their stories with one another and bonding through the weekend’s activities.

Here’s how you can

get involved:

“You have to nominate to participate!” You can’t nominate yourself, but it’s fine to ask somebody to nominate you!” Kate and Danielle are especially seeking nominations for women who may be overworked, a busy parent, or has overcome an obstacle in her life. You can enter now through February 26.

For more details, visit