Barricades show signs of growth in Fishers
FISHERS, Ind. (WISH) – Construction equipment, signs and barricades are visible at almost every turn you make in Fishers, especially at 116th Street.
“There are three different properties that are being developed, this is very exciting,” said Krissy Owens who works for the Fishers Downtown Sweets
The Depot will be a luxury apartment complex connected to a 17,000 square foot space that the owners plan to rent out.
The “Switch Project” is estimated to cost $28 million. The project includes removing the old train station and building a 50 foot wide pedestrian plaza. The structure will also be connected to a three story retail office building and apartments.
The “Edge” is another project that will house a medical office, retail store and restaurants.
“I was here when we were talking about putting this together three years ago. I am happy to be a part of this and couldn’t think of having a better job,” said Mayor Scott Fadness
If history repeats, there could be more than a thousand job openings when these projects and others that have not been formally announced are slated to be complete by 2016.
For an update on job openings in Fishers click here.