Monday’s business headlines

Monday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Take a look at Monday’s business headlines with Jane King.

More Americans have medical debt

A study has found that medical debt has reached unprecedented levels in the U.S., with an estimated 20 million adults owing roughly $220 billion in medical bills.

Annual performance reviews going out

The annual performance review is on its way out, the Wall Street Journal says. Taking its place: “Constant, never-ending feedback.”

AT&T offering billing credit to customers

AT&T said it will offer a billing credit to customers affected by last week’s network outage that knocked out service to subscribers nationwide.

Food prices on the rise

Prices remain about 19%, on average, above where they were before the pandemic. But consumers are fighting back against the increases, many shifting away from name-brand items and doing their shopping at discounted grocery stores.

Barbie flip phone launching this summer

HMD, short for Human Mobile Devices, says it is launching a hot-pink Barbie flip phone this summer. Though it won’t be connected to the internet, the device will look like a standard flip phone with buttons rather than a touch screen.