Wednesday’s business headlines
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Here’s a look at Wednesday’s business headlines.
Economic tools
Indiana is trying to be even more friendly to business.
Gov. Holcomb and the General Assembly put together laws that will modernize the state’s tax code, enhance economic development tools and increase the state’s competitiveness.
One example is the HQ relocation tax credit was expanded to better incentive the relocation of small, high-growth companies to the state.
Farmer confidence about the wisdom of investing in operations, future value of farmland and strength of the farm economy is plummeting.
A Purdue University study says it’s reading took a sharp drop.
It should be noted that the survey was taken before the latest federal payments to farmers was announced.
Political ad spending
Political ad spending could reach $10 billion next year.
Yes, that’s a record.
GroupM says the ads will be spread across broadcast, print and digital media.