Chicago puppy mill rules raise concerns of new Indiana sales

HAMMOND, Ind. (AP) – Hammond officials worry new regulations in Chicago and Cook County could push new pet stores selling animals from large-scale breeders into the city.

Chicago and Cook County have banned retail sales of dogs, cats and rabbits from such commercial breeders. The regulations are under challenge in court.

The Times of Munster reports a similar ordinance could come before the Hammond City Council in March that would include a requirement animals come from licensed breeders. State Rep. Linda Lawson, a Democrat from Hammond, says she’s gotten many calls from constituents concerned about the sale of animals from so-called puppy mills.

Susan Nawrocki, the owner of a new pet store in Hammond, says she and her sister raise pure-breed animals and that she gets mixed-breed ones from breeders in Indiana. She says a requirement to get animals from licensed breeders wouldn’t be a problem.