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Eating gluten-free just as a fad diet could actually make your health worse

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTHI) – More people than ever are buying gluten-free products but doctors warn living a gluten-free lifestyle just as a fad diet could actually be bad for your health.

The owners of Oy Vey Bakery, a bakery that makes special gluten-free orders, say many are mistakenly making “gluten-free” a lifestyle.

“It’s not something you just say oh hey I’m going to stop eating gluten because this might work. It’s done for medical reasons and it should be done only for medical reason,” Rabbi Kat said.

The biggest reason is for those who have diseases like Celiac or Crohn’s. They can’t digestive any kind of gluten.

Others are allergic or intolerant to certain forms of gluten.

Those removing gluten may lose weight but for others trying to lose weight through what’s now labeled as a fad diet…it doesn’t quite work that way.

“They’re going to lose weight at first because their bodies were in trauma. I mean they were allergic to something. Their body was holding water. Their digestive system was swollen because they were allergic to something and it irritated them,” Rabbi Kat said.

If you don’t need to get rid of gluten and you do, it could actually cause problems such as high sugar levels and weight gain.

The only way to really know if it’s an allergy, intolerance or the beginning of a disease is to see your doctor.

But if you’re thinking about just trying gluten-free to lose some weight…

“Don’t. Don’t do that. It’s not going to come out right in the long run.”