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Why your vote matters during midterm elections

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Tuesday is Election Day in Indiana and across the country. Voter turnout during a nonpresidential election is typically lower, but a professor from Indiana University says voting in midterm elections is just as important.

Mark Fraley is an associate director professor of political and civic engagement at IU Bloomington.

Fraley says to look at the candidates and figure out how their views might impact your daily life.

The more people who vote, no matter the outcome, the more politicians will take notice of who you are.

“There is a direct correlation between the power that you have to exercise over people in authority if you cast a vote on election day, regardless of if that vote in and of itself changes the outcome of that election. So it is not a matter of saying, ‘Does my vote matter?’ It is a matter of saying, ‘Do I matter?’ And if you matter, then you have power by casting your vote and changing the attention of policymakers to your concerns,” Fraley said.

Fraley also says before you vote, do your research. You can look up information on candidates through the different political parties, government websites, and, of course, local news.

As a reminder, voting straight ticket does not automatically cast a vote for school board candidates, which are non-partisan.

You can cast an early ballot in Marion County and other counties until noon on Monday. All registered Indiana voters are eligible to vote early in person.

Polls open Tuesday at 6 a.m. and will stay open until 6 p.m. local time.

Indiana voters must provide a valid photo ID. In most cases, an Indiana driver’s license, Indiana photo ID card, military ID, or U.S. passport is sufficient. Students can use a student ID if it meets the state’s list of criteria.

Visit the IndianaVoters website to check your voter registration and find a polling place.