Fatal crash closes I-69 in DeKalb County
DEKALB COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) – A semi driver is dead three semi-trucks crashed on Interstate 69 early Tuesday morning, according to DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department. The crash closed the northbound lanes from milemarker 326 to 329.
One southbound lane open at 329 opened after 6:30 a.m. Police were directing drivers to get off at State Road 8 to the north and County Road 11 A to the south of the crash.
The crash happened at 3:17 a.m. at mile marker 327 in Auburn. For an unknown reason, a vehicle traveling north went off the east side of the road, rolling on its passenger side. A semi-truck hauling livestock was going north behind another semi when the first semi stopped because of the rollover, according to police.
The two semis collided causing the livestock truck to go off the road into a ditch where it stopped. The other semi-truck went into the median and caught on fire, killing the driver. Firefighters put out the flames.
The livestock semi driver wasn’t hurt.
Officials said there’s no estimated time for the interstate to reopen at the 326 and 329.