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Former Indianapolis police chiefs meet with current chief

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – On Tuesday afternoon, it was a visit from the past.

Some former Indianapolis police chiefs were invited to IMPD’S Chief Troy Rigg’s office to give some feedback. The first 15 minutes of the discussion was open to the media.

During the talks, Riggs gave the chiefs insight about what’s going on with the department.

He talked about IMPD’s foot patrols, he gave some details about a recent police sweep, and he talked about officers recently giving some motorist breaks on citations.

The talks also included upcoming investigations, which Riggs shared with the chiefs after the media was escorted out of the room.

Those chiefs sharing their insight included, former chiefs Donald Christ, Jerry Barker, James Toler, Ciesielski, Michael Spears, and Riggs’s predecessor Rick Hite.

After the discussion, Chief Jerry Barker gave us his thoughts on where IMPD is currently headed.

“I’m encouraged by it, I wish society in general was headed in the same direction, sometimes I worry, and I wonder, the level of violence seems to be increasing,” said Barker. “I’m confident they are heading in the right direction, and I’m happy to be part of it.”

It’s unclear if Chief Riggs has any additional meetings with the former chiefs planned.