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Hunckler: Culture Directory creates talent attraction tool

Matt Hunckler is the CEO of Powderkeg. (IIB Photo)

INDIANAPOLIS (Inside INdiana Business) — The founder and chief executive officer of Indianapolis-based Powderkeg says the tech networking platform’s recently-launched Culture Directory could serve as a model for industries outside of tech. The directory, which currently features more than 300 companies in Indiana, allows tech professionals to learn about company cultures as they’re deciding where they might want to go. Matt Hunckler (pictured) says the directory deconstructs company cultures in a meaningful way for people looking to plug into Indiana’s tech industry.

In an interview with Inside INdiana Business, Hunckler said having information on company culture is important, particularly in the tech sector.

“The number one pain point for scaling tech companies in the middle of the country like right here in Indianapolis and throughout Indiana is attracting and retaining the best tech professionals,” said Hunckler. “And that’s why we decided to help these companies that some are not as well known as maybe Salesforce, Angie’s List, Genesys, some of these better-known companies. (The directory) is putting them on the map and making them more accessible to people. With the culture profile, it allows their company to really come to life and that company culture to come to life so that people that are interested in working in tech can get to know these companies and get a better understanding of which company they might want to work at.”

Hunckler says the directory isn’t just for tech professionals looking for a place to work. He says tech companies can leverage the directory to share their mission and core values to potential job candidates.

“You can even take it a step further and share that with the rest of your team, to allow them to share their voice with what really matters to them. And that’s so important in this day and age that companies are representing themselves in a very authentic way and that’s actually going to be not just great for the candidates and for people looking to work at their company, but good for the company, too, because they want to authentically illustrate and share what their company culture is all about so that they’re attracting the right people that are going to fit or add to that company culture.”

While the Culture Directory launched with Indiana companies, Hunckler says they’re looking at the big picture and expansion.

“People are relocating from these areas like Silicon Valley and New York City to come to areas like Indianapolis and Indiana – West Lafayette, Bloomington, Terre Haute, Fort Wayne, and what’s really exciting about some of these cities is people can find that sort of sweet spot that’s a right match for them. So for us, we want to be reaching into these other markets, reaching into these other communities, representing them well so, just the same way you want someone to pick the right company for them and authentically connect with a company, we also want them to authentically connect with a city or a state or a region.”

He says long-term, the plan is to scale the directory into other markets such as Denver, Nashville, St. Louis and Kansas City.

Powderkeg cites national statistics show 87% of people say that they’re not passionate about their job. Hunckler says he hopes the Culture Directory can become a model for other industries to improve their company cultures.

“I think right now with tech being the fastest-growing industry and really, every company is becoming a tech company; technology is touching our lives in so many different ways. And so my hope is that we can help made a dent in that 87% and really help people find jobs where they can be passionate, grow and ultimately reach their full potential.”