Indiana lawmaker fine-tunes CBD oil bill after attorney general’s decision
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Confusion remains about the legality of cannabidiol oil in Indiana.
On Tuesday, we told you the state attorney general declared the marijuana extract illegal.
Now, many are left wondering, what now?
“We have a substance in CBD oil that we know is considerably less toxic to their bodies, significantly less side-effects, and it works,” State Rep. Jim Lucas said.
Lucas, a Republican from Seymour, is fine-tuning legislation that would formally legalize cannabidiol oil in Indiana. He wants to use the best practices from nearby states that allow medical cannabis as part of his medical cannabis bill.
“The proof is irrefutable. I’ve seen too much scientific evidence. I’ve toured the facilities in our neighboring state of Illinois. The state-approved cultivation labs, the state-approved dispensaries,” Lucas said.
On Tuesday, Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill decided the oil is illegal, with some rare exceptions, including people living with treatment-resistant epilepsy.
His clarification comes after confusion over House Bill 1148.
House Bill “1148 does not provide a blanket immunity for anyone possessing CBD oil. Not at all, by any stretch,” Hill said.
Lucas said he respects Hill and his opinion, but disagrees.
“We wrote the law, and my intent on the law was to make a substance that had less than 3/10th’s percent THC available to the public,” Lucas said.
The Association of Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys said it opposes marijuana in any form, including CBD oil.
“Indiana prosecutors take very seriously the importance and weight of legal advisory opinions from the Indiana Attorney General. Yesterday’s opinion on CBD oil in Indiana is under review and after analysis, the Association may have more to say at some future time,” a spokesperson said in a statement Wednesday.
Lucas points right back to the people of Indiana.
“This is something that will not only save lives and provide a better quality of life to thousands, if not millions of Hoosiers, but we can create jobs and a whole new economy in Indiana,” Lucas said.
Lucas noted his bill would also legalize other forms of medical cannabis including edibles, vaporizers and balms.
Lucas also said he plans on introducing that bill when the session starts in early January.