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Indiana town facing high nitrate levels in its well water

OWENSVILLE, Ind. (AP) – A southwestern Indiana town’s water supervisor is urging local officials to take action to combat high levels of a potentially dangerous chemical compound in the community’s water supply.

The Princeton Daily Clarion reports Owensville Water operator Randy Ross told the town council Tuesday the town’s well water nitrate levels are averaging 8.4 milligrams per liter.

Nitrate levels above 10 milligrams per liter can sicken or kill infants younger than 6 months by reducing oxygen levels in their blood.

Ross told council members the town’s best option is to add a water filtration system to remove some of the nitrate.

Council President Daniel Kautzman says he doesn’t think the town about 20 miles northwest of Evansville can afford such a system, but it’s time to explore the idea.