Indianapolis Urban League adds free kids shoes to weekly food pick-up for families in need
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Tuesdays at the Indianapolis Urban League have turned into an all-day hustle to feed people who have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
“On average we’ve been able to serve at least 500 families,” said Indianapolis Urban League President and CEO Tony Mason.
Mason says he’s proud of the way people in different organizations, all over central Indiana, have stepped up to help people who are struggling.
Organizations like Samaritan’s Feet and Republic Airways have been a part of helping the urban league meet even more needs.
“We do shoes all over the world,” said Whitney Saucedo, with Samaritan Feet. Saucedo said noticing the need for kids in Indianapolis inspired her team to provide 500 free pairs of shoes to go along with the league’s weekly food pick-up.
“Kids’ feet are still growing right now so this is a huge need,” Saucedo said. “I think the message to the community is ‘we all need to unite; especially during this time,’” Amy Arnell with Republic Airways said.
Unity is a message Tolvi Patterson, with the Indianapolis Urban League can get behind. Every Tuesday he’s in the middle of the action, directing traffic, greeting people in need with a smile and making sure every driver at the food pick-up is taken care of. He hopes his team’s consistent effort shows people what it takes for people to come together, not just in Indianapolis, but all over the country.
“We’re only going to get to where we need to be together, so what we’re doing right now is serving,” Patterson said. Service doesn’t have a color. Service doesn’t have a skin tone. Service is a need and so if you can’t get with the movement get with the mission and get with the purpose.”
Click here for more on the Indianapolis Urban League and their work in the city.