Hoosier communities receive federal water grants
INDIANAPOLIS (Inside INdiana Business) — Dozens of Indiana towns will be able to improve their water systems after Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs announced $15.3 million in federal grant funding.
The state distributes Community Development Block Grant funds to rural towns to help with various projects, including water infrastructure, downtown revitalization and economic development.
“The leadership of these grant recipients embodies strategic planning, hard work and dedication to improving their communities,” said Matt Crouch, Interim executive director of OCRA. “Proper planning is necessary to ensure Hoosier’s quality of life can grow as we are coping through a pandemic.”
Stormwater Improvement Program:
Brown County– $600,000 for flood drainage improvements to help the town of Helmsburg with replacing storm sewers, ditch improvements and new street inlets.
Shelbyville– $600,000 for flood drainage improvements to build a relief sewer to reduce flooding and surcharge.
Coatesville– $600,000 to help correct flooding issues, improving water quality and alleviating property damage.
Knightsville– $600,000 to add more than 1,400 linear feet of stormwater piping to current system, including increasing pipe capacity, along with adding 1,600 linear feet of drainage structures.
Oaktown– $600,000 to increase the size of three storm drainage structures, extending two storm sewers and adding a storm sewer to an area with no infrastructure.
Wastewater/Drinking Water Program:
Bloomfield– $700,000 to coat 25 manholes with a new lining application to address infiltration, 1,900 feet of gravity sewer replacement and improvements to the wastewater and drinking water systems.
Chrisney– $700,000 to install a new disinfectant residual analyzer at the master meter and new water lines, along with replacing eight hydrants, refurbishing elevated tank and renovating water utility laboratory building.
Connersville– $700,000 to address water pressure issues and reduce line breaks.
Crawford County– $600,000 to build a water tank to supply Patoka Water Company customers.
Crothersville– $700,000 to build a new wet weather overflow main, install in-line hydrodynamic stormwater separator, build duplex wet weather pumping station and force main and modify plant surge basins.
Delphi– $596,233 to reconnect 56 services, replace galvanized piping and add eight new hydrants to six service areas.
Fountain City– $700,000 to replace existing cast iron water lines with PVC lines and replacing water infrastructure.
Galveston– $600,000 to improve water pressure, flows and fire protection, replace more than 3,900 linear feet of eight-inch water mains and more than 2,500 linear feet of six-inch mains.
Goodland– $600,000 to replace 3,200 lineal feet of water lines and installation of nine new fire hydrants.
La Crosse– $700,000 to build a new water treatment plant, build distribution system and install new meters.
Ladoga– $600,000 to install a wastewater collection pipe, improvements to a secondary clarifier sludge line and adding a flow meter at the wastewater treatment plant.
Lawrence County– $600,000 to build a new wastewater treatment plant, build an activated sludge wastewater treatment system and replacing the existing steel tank.
Lewisville– $700,000 to build a water treatment facility, eliminate dead ends and replace water meters.
Monticello– $600,000 to upgrade 4,000 lineal feet of mains, replace seven hydrants and add eight water valves.
Morgantown– $700,000 to improve wastewater system treatment, add gravity sanitary sewers, rehab existing manholes and upgrade sanitary sewer system and replace lift stations.
Ripley County– $550,000 to install a chlorine disinfection system, install updated contact tank and build a chemical building to house feed pumps and storage tanks, along with plant electrical improvements, installation of lagoon alarms and upgrading plants’ electrical system.
Universal– $550,000 to install raw water well, build standby power for wells and wastewater plant, replace iron filter package treatment unit and replacement of 20 hydrants and the installation of a booster pump station.
Vevay– $700,000 to rehabilitate lift stations at the high school, library and Ohio Street, and upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant.
Warren– $700,000 to build a new water tower and demolition of old tower, rehabilitate additional water tower, build well house and convert submersible pump into a vertical turbine pump.