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Carmel firefighter shares safety tips on how to stay cool and healthy in the heat

CARMEL, Ind. (WISH) — With temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit on Friday, first responders are sending a warning about the health dangers the heat poses.

“It’s early in the year to seeing these kinds of numbers, so people might not be thinking about just some of the common sense stuff,” Carmel firefighter Tim Griffin, said.

According to Griffin, it’s important to remember the common things, like staying hydrated and not staying out too long in the sun because you could face heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

“You’re going to start to overheat, and then if you get hot enough, some of your vital organs can start to have issues. You can have heat stroke. There can be so many medical problems that come from that, so you need to make sure that you’re staying cool and then hydrated,” Griffin said.

He says the heat can affect children more severely and not to leave them unattended in hot vehicles. he also says their bodies can’t regulate the heat as well as adults can.

“It won’t take but just a few minutes before you can really damage or injure that child with those extreme heats,” Griffin said.

Griffin, who has children and two dogs, says our four-legged friends can also struggle in the heat.

He says they also need plenty of water and look out for their paws – walking a dog on hot pavement can result in serious burns and don’t leave your pet alone in a parked car.

“Just like us keep them hydrated. If you’re going somewhere and your dog is with you, you can’t leave it in the car. These temperatures in the car rise upwards of 120, 130 degrees or higher, so you need to make sure that that they’re inside not left in the car,” Griffin said.

If you have to be outdoors, the Carmel Fire Department recommends that you have plenty of water and take breaks in the shade.