Carmel Ice Skadium hosting ‘Skate with Santa’ on Friday

Ice skating Club of Indianapolis hosts a 'Skate with Santa' this Friday. (Provided Photo/ Indianapolis Ice Skating Club)

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The Carmel Ice Skadium will host the big man from the North Pole for a special event on Friday.

During “Skate with Santa,” held in collaboration with the Ice Skating Club of Indianapolis, people can skate or learn how to skate while sharing the ice with Kris Kringle himself.

Jolly Saint Nick will also have his team of hard-working elves on hand to take pictures. State champion ice skaters will be around to show off their skills, as well.

There’s also a chance to enjoy plenty of cookies and hot chocolate to warm up in between time on the ice.

Members of ISCI will offer lessons and tips to first-time and rookie skaters.

The nonprofit has been around for 50 years. It looks to promote and develop figure skating in central Indiana.

Led by former Olympian Marie Vichovais, the club often has skaters competing on the international level. Members range from elementary school students to adults of all skating levels.

The club itself has hosted the Metro Indy Ice Skating Challenge every year for the last three years. The challenge often serves as the last shot for some skaters to qualify for national events.

Skate with Santa kicks off at 5:30 p.m. on Friday.

Admission is $12 per person and $30 for a family of four.

The Carmel Ice Skadium is located at 1040 E. Third Ave. SW in Carmel.

Click here to learn more about the venue.