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Indy Moms: How to beat the back-to-school stress

Indy Moms: How to beat the back-to-school stress

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The new school year means the return of some built-in stresses, but there are strategies to handle them all.

Kait Baumgartner with Indianapolis Moms joined News 8 Wednesday to lay out these plans to “kick back the stress.”


The first strategy on Baumgartner’s list is to prioritize.

“Think about what has to be done now, so like appointments, forms, back-to-school,” she said. She recommends having all the priorities written on a calendar, and also suggests considering what isn’t important at the moment.

Learn to say ‘no’

The second strategy prioritizes the self by encouraging people to say “no.”

“Learn to say no. Let’s say, for example, your family just needs a slow afternoon on Saturday, go do that. Don’t worry about going to dinner with friends, or you know, if you feel like you just need to slow down, you can say no,” Baumgartner said.

Everyone deserves downtime, she adds, though it might be hard to accept at times.

Get outside

The third strategy revolves around the world around us – the outdoors.

Baumgartner encourages everyone to get out and enjoy the good weather before the winter slog hits.

“Get those endorphins going and have a great time,” she said. “You can’t spend the entire day out like you might in the summertime, but maybe it becomes more precious than when there’s only a little bit of it at school.”

Stop the comparison game

The fourth strategy helps avoid the negative self-talk and do what is best for you.

“Don’t compare (yourself with) what other people are doing. And like I tell my kids, ‘Worry about yourself,’” she said. “Do what’s best for you and don’t play that comparison game. Stay off of social media.”

Just roll with it

The last strategy – just roll with it. Go with the flow.

Baumgartner says its easier to take it one day at a time, and reminds people that you don’t have to be afraid to ask for help.