Mother posts picture of her 3-year-old daughter practicing lockdown drill in the bathroom
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (NEWS10) – A Michigan mother captured a picture showing her 3-year-old daughter practicing a lockdown drill she learned in preschool.
“I took this picture because initially thought it was funny. I was going to send it to my husband to show what our mischievous little three-year-old was up to. The moment she told me what she was doing, I broke down,” Stacey Feeley wrote on Facebook. “At that moment all innocence of what I thought my three-year-old possessed was gone.”
In the post, Feeley also called for politicians to look at this picture and says that “your child, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren and future generations will live their lives and group up in this world based on your decisions.”
Feeley asked how she can help and make a difference.