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Soldiers in uniform pose for breastfeeding photo

FORT BLISS, Texas (WISH) – A photo of military mothers breastfeeding their babies has gone viral.

Tara Ruby Photography shared the photo on Facebook Sept. 10, but it disappeared. The next morning, the photo was posted again and in just three days it’s been liked more than 11,000 times.

The photo was taken at Fort Bliss and shows 10 mothers breastfeeding in uniform.

“Today I believe we made history,” Tara Ruby Photography wrote with the photo. “To my knowledge a group photo to show support of active duty military mommies nursing their little’s has never been done. It is so nice to see support for this here at Fort Bliss.”

The photo was taken with the guidance of Fort Bliss P3T Program and Breastfeeding in Combat Boots.

“I was active duty a long time ago when support for breastfeeding moms wasn’t even an option or a consideration,” the post went on to say. “We have come so far. Breastfeeding their babies doesn’t make them less of a soldier, I believe it makes them a better one. Juggling the tasks and expectations of a soldier, plus providing for their own in the best way they possibly can, makes these ladies even stronger for it.”