Nonprofit, church ministry team up to teach boys life skills

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Nonprofit Single Parent Connection has partnered with the men’s ministry of The Blended Church to lead a Boys to Men Learning Workshop Series. 

Boys from ages 12-18 are learning life skills, including automotive maintenance, how to shave, fish and more.

Single Parent Connection founder Dionne Brown says up to 60 families experiencing difficulties have received education, empowerment and support since the organization was founded in 2018.

Brown is also a single mother and got her 18-year-old son involved with the Boys to Men Workshop Series in July.

“He didn’t know how to tie a necktie. We learned on YouTube together how to tie a necktie because, as a woman, that was something I never needed to know. But I had to find a way to learn it so that I can teach him as well so we learned together and then he was able to learn additionally from another man,” Brown said.

The proud mother mentioned feedback from single moms has been positive with a sigh of relief.

Brown added that next month will be the last Boys to Men Workshop series until next summer. It will begin every Saturday, starting Aug. 7 through the 28.

Single Parent Connection will also host smart money-management workshops to improve self-sufficiency among parents next month.