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Pears + Valentine’s Day = Good Pair

Pears + Valentine’s Day = Good Pair

Pears + Valentine’s Day = Good Pair

Are you and your sweetheart the perfect “pear?” 

In our kitchen today, Lori Taylor, The Produce Mom, shares some fun and easy pear recipe ideas that’ll make the perfect Valentine’s Day treat! 

Pears + Valentine’s Day = Good Pair

Pears + Valentine’s Day = Good Pair

The Perfect Pear for Last-Minute Ideas
•    Pears + Chocolate Dipping –
•    Moscow Mule –
•    Chocolate Dipped Pear Boquet
•    Pear V-Day Card “We Make a Good Pear”

Pears + Valentine’s Day = Good Pair

Valentine’s Day After School
    Easy Fruit and Veggie Trays for V-Day
    Quick and Easy Strawberry Glazed Bread –

For more tasty recipes, visit