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Pence raises $2.6M since April, has $7.4M on-hand

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) – Gov. Mike Pence’s campaign for re-election has raised more than $2.6 million since April in what could become one of the most expensive races in Indiana history.

Final numbers aren’t due until July 15. A Wednesday campaign memo says Pence has $7.4 million on-hand.

Large donations are reported more quickly. Records show Pence swept up nearly $200,000 in large donations toward the end of June. That includes a $10,000 from H. Ross Perot Jr., son of former independent presidential candidate Ross Perot.

Pence’s fundraising numbers are boosted to $4.1 million if a recent ad purchase by the Republican Governor’s Association is counted. The ad has saturated TV and attacks Pence’s Democratic opponent, former House Speaker John Gregg, who outraised Pence last quarter.

Gregg’s preliminary fundraising numbers were not immediately available.