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Shoppers head to Massachusetts Avenue for Small Business Saturday

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Small Business Saturday is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. Crowds filled the local stores and restaurants on Massachusetts Avenue this Saturday. Many of them lined up before stores even opened.

“I thought I can wake up early, enjoy the weather and get new stuff… I live downtown. I think it is important to support the local businesses,” said Nancy Mitchell as she waited in line for the stores to open.

Many people said they were looking for unique and specialty items not found at big retailers.

“A lot of the big retailers get a lot of the exposure, but it’s good for small businesses to get as much time and consumers during this day,” said shopper Todd Atkinson.

Crowds at local stores on Massachusetts Avenue stayed consistent all day.

The owner of Mass Ave. Toys said products were flying off the shelves.

“We have a basement where we have our back stock and I just went, oh my gosh as soon as this settles down, if it settles down, I’ve got to get downstairs and start reordering,” said Natalie Canull.

Canull said Small Business Saturday is hands down the busiest day of the year for her shop.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, on Small Business Saturday 2015 more than 95 million Americans spent a combined $16.2 billion dollars at local shops and restaurants.

Many of the small shops are hoping the momentum from Saturday continues through the holiday season.

The National Retail Federation expects about a quarter of Americans to buy a holiday gift from a local retailer.