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Dr Helen Rappaport on The Romanovs

September 11, 2023

In July 1918, Russian Czar Nicholas II, his wife, their five children, and the few remaining members of his household were slaughtered in a dim and dreary basement by Bolshevik Revolutionaries. Could they all have been saved? And, if so, by which of their royal cousins? On this week’s “Leaders and Legends” podcast, we interview best-selling historian Dr Helen Rappaport. She discusses this ghastly murder and how—and if—it could have been prevented and the family rescued. Dr Rappaport also doesn’t mince any words regarding the Mad Monk. Buy her new book here:


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‘Leaders and Legends’ is brought to you by Veteran Strategies—your local veteran business enterprise specializing in media relations, crisis communications, public outreach, and digital photography. Learn more at