High school athletics canceled, moved, pushed back due to extreme heat
WHITELAND, Ind. (WISH) — Football practice was shortened to one hour before school this week for Whiteland players.
“We are starting at 6 a.m. every morning this week to avoid heat exhaustion,” said Darrin Fisher, head football coach. “I’m kind of a morning person. Some of our players enjoyed it yesterday. I think, number one, it was a change in the routine, and number two, it was availability in the afternoon to do something they normally don’t get to do, which is have time off.”
The team’s next game is Friday and has been pushed back an hour to avoid the heat.
Mike Johnson, the director of school safety for Hamilton Southeastern Schools, said each athletic event will be determined by the temperature on the field, which could vary from one school to the next based on the weather.
“We seek guidance from the Department of Education and athletic trainers to decide how to calculate the minimum degrees a kid can be playing outside. It would be a combination of temperature along with a high humidity rate. Once you combine those two things, then you can make a decision based on the heat index,” explained Johnson.
Carmel High School moved their football practice from 7-9 p.m. to avoid hot temperatures Tuesday.
Indianapolis Public Schools put out a guidance for parents to help their students. It suggests dressing your child in lightweight clothing, making sure your child is hydrated and has adequate rest, and avoiding hot foods and heavy meals.