July finishes wetter than normal in central Indiana, August outlook released
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — July was an up-and-down weather month across central Indiana. It made a substantial dent in the rainfall deficit, after an exceptionally dry June.
In Indianapolis, over 6 inches of rain fell, which was 1.64 inches above average. Out of over 150 years of record keeping, it was the 28th wettest month.
Although the last week of July was hot and humid, temperatures barely finished above normal for the month, Indianapolis had the 64th warmest July on record.
This reality is partly due to the hot and humid days in central Indiana. They failed to consistently reach 90 degrees.
Only three days in July reached 90 degrees, making seven times this year. For reference, the 30-year average for 90-degree days in July is about seven to eight days.
Noticeably, the entire month had a maximum dew point of at least 60 degrees. In order for air to feel uncomfortable, or humid, the 60-degree mark is usually the divider that indicates it is slightly humid.
August outlook
Indianapolis has an average temperature, which factors in both the low and high, of 74.7 degrees in August. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration climate averages between 1991 and 2020 have a precipitation of 3.20 inches for Indianapolis too.
The Climate Prediction Center updated its August outlook to close July. This outlook is calling for a slightly better chance of above average precipitation for most of Indiana.
Meanwhile, there is no strong signal of above or below normal temperatures for central Indiana.
August 2022 in Indianapolis had both above average temperatures and precipitation. The city checked in with an average temperature of 75 degrees and precipitation at 4.44 inches.
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