Podcasts > Business, Equity and Opportunities Podcast with Scott Sander

BE&O October 23, 2022 – Minority Business Development Agency grant winner, Accessing Capital through Kickstarter, and an educator helping students develop a world view

BE&O October 23, 2022 – Minority Business Development Agency grant winner, Accessing Capital through Kickstarter, and an educator helping students develop a world view

October 24, 2022

On this week's Business, Equity, and Opportunities podcast: A small business owner who turned to Kickstarter and found success accessing capital. the US Department of commerce Minority Business Development Agency provides services to help minority owned businesses across the country. to that end the agency recently awarded grants totaling 4.72 million dollars to strengthen and expand a national network of business centers. Part of that money is coming to Indiana! And we hear a success story from an educator with a world view who wants her students to develop their own too.