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Celebrating Black History: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park

February 23, 2024

Dr. Martin Luther King Park, located at 1702 Broadway St. in the city, has a very rich history in the community. When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was scheduled to hold a campaign rally in the inner city. As Kennedy received word that King had been shot, city officials and policy urged him to cancel his appearance. He refused.

Kennedy arrived to a gathered crowd at 17th and Broadway, very close to where the memorial sits today, and addressed the crowd. Instead of a campaign speech, Kennedy delivered a passionate statement informing the crowd of King’s death and urging racial reconciliation. His words were so moving that the crowd erupted in applause instead of anger.

The heart of Kennedy’s message is still on display in the park along with monuments (which include the Landmark for Peace sculpture) that serve as a reminder of King’s fight for peace, justice, and unity.