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God’s Violence Against Our Idols

March 05, 2021

As world continues to change by becoming more post-Christian and adapting to a post-pandemic world, the church finds itself in a period where change is the new normal. For this season, we are looking at the book of Acts to remind ourselves how the early church followed God as God led the church into the future that was unfolding before them.

The violence in Acts 5:1-11 is unsettling. In many ways, God comes across as petty or overly vindictive. When faced with difficult texts, our tendency is to rush past them to get past our discomfort. But if we are willing to sit with the texts and wrestle through them, we often find that the violence of the text reveals our own violence towards God, others, and ourselves. In this week’s sermon, we find three ways the violence in this text reveals and undermines idols in our lives.