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Life with Dogs After A Near-Fatal Dog Attack (with Katie Rice)

April 30, 2024

According to an online article published by Forbes Advisor in October 2023, each year an estimated 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs in the United States, with approximately 800,000 people seeking medical attention for their injuries. The number of fatalities resulting from a dog attack, however, is comparatively small, averaging around 30 deaths a year, according to a CDC report. Tragically, a great majority of these fatal attacks are from Pitbulls.

My client, Katie Rice, was nearly one of those fatalities.

Katie‘s story, including her unbelievable journey from traumatic fear of bully breeds after her attack, to becoming a bully mom, and eventually starting a dog walking service, is the subject of this podcast episode. Katie is living proof that it is possible to recover, heal, and come to love a breed again—even after a life-threatening attack.

A WORD OF CAUTION: Some of the subject matter discussed in this podcast episode may be distressing for some listeners.