Podcasts > Christ’s Community Church

The Grace of God at Work

The Grace of God at Work

June 04, 2021

As world continues to change by becoming more post-Christian and adapting to a post-pandemic world, the church finds itself in a period where change is the new normal. For this season, we are looking at the book of Acts to remind ourselves how the early church followed God as God led the church into the future that was unfolding before them.

The book of Acts begins to shift its focus from Jerusalem to Antioch. Antioch was a unique city in the Roman Empire in that it was extremely cosmopolitan and diverse. It’s not surprise then that the church in Antioch became an extremely diverse place. What is surprising is that Paul becomes one of the leaders of this church and the church becomes a launching point for Paul’s missionary journeys. In both the diversity of the church and the reconciliation with Paul, we see the grace of God at work. And we see a church we want to be a part of.