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Monday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here’s a look at Monday’s business headlines with Jane King.

New data shows breast cancer drug allows women to live six months longer

New data on a breast cancer treatment from AstraZeneca and the Japanese drug maker, Daiichi Sankyo, brought a standing ovation from cancer doctors attending their annual meeting in Chicago recently and with good reason.

The drug, Enhertu, enabled women with advanced breast cancer to live six months longer than others treated with conventional chemotherapy.

Evidence suggests the drug could one day be used to treat many other types of tumors.

Experimental trial shows tumors vanishing

Also, a small drug trial is having a seismic impact in the world of oncology. After six months of an experimental treatment, tumors vanished in all 14 patients diagnosed with early stage rectal cancer who completed the study by the time it was published.

The experimental therapy was so successful that none of the 14 patients who completed the trial needed the planned follow-up treatment of chemo-radiation or surgery, nor did any have significant complications from the drug.

Because the sample size was small, more follow-up is needed.

ASCO conference findings

Liquid biopsy shows who can skip chemotherapy after colon surgery, saving money and stress.

An osteoporosis drug was tied to lasting benefit in breast cancer and acetaminophen interferes with cancer immunotherapy.

Researchers and physicians will take the results of these studies and use them to further look for ways to prevent and treat various forms of cancer.