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New law asks slow drivers to move over

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — You’ve heard of speeding tickets, but what about slow poke tickets? A new traffic law goes into effect July 1, just in time for holiday travel.

The law would allow officials the authority to issue tickets to drivers going below the speed limit in the fast lane.

It applies to all roads with multiple lanes.

Citations could cost as much as $500, but local police said that’s for extreme cases. Most people could expect a fine of less than $300.

The citation would go on driving records.

The law is designed to keep traffic moving and prevent slow drivers from blocking the left lane.

“Another misconception, ‘I’m on the road going 75 in a 70. A person comes up going 95. I’m going to get a ticket for not getting out of the speeders way?’ No. That’s not the intent or purpose of the law,” said Indiana State Police Captain David Bursten. He added, “The purpose of this law is for those rude, inconsiderate drivers who think they own the left lane.”

According to Bursten, Indiana already has a similar law in place. Large trucks are not permitted to drive in the left lane unless exiting. More than half of the country has slow driving laws. Georgia passed a law last July, and so far, have only issued around 300 citations.