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Indy 500 fans get creative for race day parking

Getting creative for race day parking

SPEEDWAY, Ind. (WISH) — As the “Greatest Spectacle in Racing” inches closer, fans looking to park their car have to get farther from the track.

Indianapolis Motor Speedway President Doug Boles said the track’s camping and shuttle passes are sold out.

“I think the biggest challenge for fans who are coming is just to know where you’re going to park and how you’re going to get here,” Boles said.

Long-time Speedway residents say many people are circling their neighborhood streets looking for parking spots.

West 15th Street resident Jack Giese suggests people get creative.

“There will be a lot of people on Carb Day that are still looking, because I think about everything is filled up, and they’ll be starting to get desperate,” Giese said. “Maybe Uber down here, within a few blocks, something of that nature.”

Boles recommends people consider walking long distances to make it to the track.

“I often tell people the closer you park to the Speedway, the longer it’s going to take you to get home,” Boles said. “That’s why if you want to park a mile away and walk in, I betcha you’ll get home a lot quick than your friend that had a parking pass.”

Some race fans have had a parking plan for months, though.

North Carolina residents Stuart Fox and John Truitt started drawing up their parking plan the minute last year’s race ended.

“When I got the tickets, I also got the parking, so I would say about 10 months to a year ago,” Fox said.

Other race fans say the places they park turn into a second home.

Illinois resident Dennis Kohler has been parking at 80-year-old Bonnie’s house for years.

“It’s just one big happy family,” Kohler said. “I called her on Mother’s Day just to say, ‘Happy Mother’s Day.’ I mean, she’s just that kind of person.”