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After successful punt, Pat McAfee does pageant wave then takes over as reporter on WISH-TV

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – The Indianapolis Colts are tied for first place in the AFC South, after a blowout win over the Jets. There were some trending moments from the Monday night matchup, many including Colts punter Pat McAfee.

The first memorable moment was in the second half, officials had to stop the play for a bit when two fans ran onto the field. The two men ran around without shirts on and were tackled to the ground by the security guards.

Many people joked online that the Jets should sign the guards, to help the team by teaching the defense how to tackle.

Also trending Tuesday morning is Pat McAfee’s antics during and after the game.

Following a successful punt, McAfee waved to the half-empty stadium like he was the queen.

A Jets legend took notice on Twitter.

After the game, McAfee talked with Sports Director Anthony Calhoun and then took over as the reporter.

Watch Pat McAfee’s interview in the video above, then share this story with your friends and family on Facebook.