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Catering company delivers 400+ free meals to Hoosiers struggling due to COVID-19 crisis

Nameless Catering feeding people in need

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A local catering business is sending free food to hundreds of households in central Indiana impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nameless Catering Company has been serving Hoosiers at weddings, corporate gatherings and homes for seven years, but like most food businesses, they were challenged in a major way when COVID-19 touched down in their communities.

The story behind having no name became a mission statement and the focus of their business: “People might forget your face. They’ll probably forget your name. But they’ll never forget what you feed them.”

Owner, Jeremy Brown, said he couldn’t stand by while people who fell on hard times because of the pandemic needed help. He decided to get his company involved.

“There was no reason not to,” he said. “I can’t sit still. I’d rather do this and take my mind off all the crap that’s going on right now.”

Brown says so far, the most memorable moment they’ve had since this all started, was while giving back and helping a mother and her five kids.

“Her van broke down in our parking lot when she tried to leave,” Brown said. “It was just a double whammy of helping someone.”

Once people on Facebook got word of what Nameless Catering was doing for struggling Hoosiers, a post on the business’ Facebook page was shared more than 1,000 times. Brown says other catering companies started to follow their example in other states.

“The feedback has been fantastic; seeing the smiles on people’s faces,” he said.

Brown and his business partner decided to create an online grocery store to give people an alternative when unusually high demand causes major grocery stores run out of food.

Click here to support and find out more information about the Nameless Catering Company.

If you know of a family or person in need during the COVID-19 crisis, you can email Jeremy at or send a text to 317-344-8449 .

Indiana coronavirus timeline