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Is This Anything?: All-You-Can-Eat Buffets make a comeback; Watch all 10 ‘Fast & Furious’ films to win $1000

All-you-can-eat buffets are making a comeback this year as the pandemic comes to an end. Restaurant chains such as Old Country Buffet, CiCis Pizza, and Furr’s Fresh Buffet are examples of places that were affected by the lack of traffic. Industry Tracker Placer says visits compared to January 2020 and January 2021 are up 125 percent as of March. The turnaround follows a number of bankruptcies when COVID-19 restrictions were in place.

Nigel of WIBC’s beloved radio show Hammer and Nigel chimed in on this matter saying, “I was legitimately sad when COVID hit and all the buffets shut down and now I’m so happy to hear they are making a comeback!” Nigel then went into a ballad professing his love for all things food buffet. With Nation’s Restaurant News reporting that Golden Corral’s sales grew 14 percent last year compared to pre-pandemic, it looks like the public shares Nigel’s sentiments.

As the segment continued, Hammer and Nigel discussed a call for a Fast & Furious claims adjuster. Financebuzz, an informational site that offers money-related tips and recommendations, is looking for a “Fast & Furious claims adjuster.” The lucky individual would watch all 10 films, which includes the latest addition set to debut May 19 of this year, then notate the damages from each vehicle crash on screen. The details would have to include the extent of the damage, which vehicles were involved and the exact number of wrecks per-movie.

“I don’t think this is anything other than a waste of time,” Hammer explained. “I don’t think this is anything other than promotion for the new movie coming in May.” Financebuzz says they intend to use the findings to estimate the insurance impact of the global billion-dollar franchise’s reckless driving. The deadline to apply on the company’s website is May 19 and the lucky winner will be announced on May 26.

To learn more about these trending topics, watch the full interview above.