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Thursday’s business headlines

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Here’s a look at Thursday’s business headlines.


Costco has reintroduced purchase limits as evidence of COVID-19 stockpiling mounts.

Customers have been complaining about items being out of stock for several weeks.

Evidence is mounting that stockpiling is returning as the Delta variant of the coronavirus spreads.

Mobile apps

A new scam is targeting users of popular mobile payment apps, some said they’ve been into paying criminals thousands of dollars.

Scammers are impersonating banks, especially Bank of America and Zelle, with texts and phone numbers, using cheap software that routes that call through a specific cell or landline number experts say the attackers may have already have the victim’s information by studying their social media.


U.S. antitrust officials are preparing a second monopoly lawsuit against Google over the company’s digital advertising business.

Bloomberg reports it may file a lawsuit as soon as the end of the year.

Google is already fighting DOJ antitrust lawsuits over web search.